Wednesday 26 February 2014

Can Visually Appealing Website Influence User Perspective?

Yes, 100 percent. We all want a website and we want that website to meet the most popular design standards out there. But how does website success can really be attributed to good design?  
This post focuses on what can be categorized as web design, visual design, or graphic design – the visual appeal of a website.

The Role of Visual Appeal in Web Design
How the visual appeal contributes to the overall success of a website? Here is the secret.

Attention Gaining:

Visual appeal can attract attention. As is obvious, we always prefer a pretty design or image above. This is the key to getting your visitors engaged with your website. For instance, the website of Angry Birds Space does a great job as using visual cues to attract attention as in the visitors’ sight is drawn to the big and shiny moon.

When meeting someone face to face our first impression affect our relationship with that person in the long term. Changing this first impression later is difficult because we are stubborn and don’t like to admit we were wrong. In other words, the power of the website design lies in the expressive photography used to showcase your products and services.

Rapport Building:
True. Visual appeals build relationships. If you visitors can identify with your website, isn’t it the biggest step closer to building a long-term relationship with them. A site that doesn’t appeal to fit in our identity is inclined to keep us look for other sites. Visitors must drawn-in and triggered to explore the site click after click. This is a great way to get people hooked on online and for the real-world happening.

Communicates Emotionally:
A picture is worth a thousand words. It is easy to convey feelings such as joy and delight, sadness, or even pity through pictures and other visual elements. Consider Paypal. It uses lots of images that show personal and familiar settings to create a cozy and comfortable sphere.
Only a combination of the above will assure that your visitors get the most out of your website. And that’s why hiring a professional web development company is important.

What Makes a Company Logo Great?

With all the noise on the website today, even as a consumer, or a marketer, or a CEO of a company, you must know how important it is to choose the right kind of logo for your business. After all it is an integral part of building a strong business or organization.
It is acquitted from the top web design companies that a brand should come from the values, beliefs and functions of the business and a logo is the visual representation of these values and beliefs. 

How Can Logo Design Be Categorised

Branding is the most important aspect of a company’s marketing strategy and should be heavily considered. Before you approach a web design and development company for the best logo, it is very essential to have an idea of what different kinds of logos they will have in mind. Loosely grouped into the following three categories:

Word Mark:  In general, this is the most preferred option by web designers, especially if your brand isn’t well established. These are uniquely styled logos which are exclusively typographic and spell the brand name or company out. E.g: Coca Cola and Sony

Symbol/ Icon (Pictorial/Abstract/Letter mark): Just a symbol, whether it’s pictorial/ abstract or a letter mark, it creates an easily recognizable motif. Though the ideas behind the logo are complex, it represents the brand in its simplest form. Examples McDonalds, Hewlett-Packard and Calvin Klein

Combination Mark (Traditional/ Emblem): Traditional combination mark occurs when a word mark is coupled with a symbol. These are the ones most commonly flexible and aid towards a more interesting brand identity. Examples Jaguar, British Gas and National Trust
To conclude, there are a lot of different choices that need to be made in order to help build a strong foundation for your brand identity. And this requires a web designer who has a good grasp on marketing.

Significance of Consistency in Website Design

In this post we shall discuss how consistency and familiarity will lead to your website enjoying increased visitors, more page views and more sales.

Imagine your ecommerce website with a "bricks and mortar".  Even though each store in a chain seem to have different branding or different color-schemes, furnishings or floor layouts, will it lend itself to building brand identity or loyalty? And the same can be said about a lack of consistency in your website's design.

Role of Consistency When Designing Your Website

Your website design emulates your organization's existing branding guidelines. Consistent branding creates a unified feel that not only tells your visitors that they are still browsing your website but also re-enforces your brand identity by repeatedly exposing your visitors to it. 
Image Source:

Say for instance, website layout includes the positioning of your headings and text content, images, search box, navigation menus, newsletter sign-up box and other elements. Make sure, some of these elements are the same on every page of your website with little flexibility. 

Similarly, if your website's navigation already allows your visitors to quickly find the information they want then you should maintain this ease-of-use throughout your website. Be it any kind of website, either corporate one or e-commerce, website visitors have to familiarize themselves with the layout and navigation structure of your website. Consistency in your website's navigation structure means your menu varies throughout your website.  Your visitors will take longer to find what they want and will inevitably lose interest and go elsewhere. 

Other elements of your website's layout that should be consistent throughout your website include your search box and newsletter sign-up box. 

 To conclude, the business case for consistency before you approach one of the Top Web DesignCompanies is clear: Depending on your goals, it is possible to increase ad revenue or convert more visitors to leads. “Save Development Time, Save Money”