Tuesday 1 April 2014

Strategies to Maintain a Website after Launch

Doing online business is all about staying current in marketing strategies, design, development, content – change is the only constant. This calls for Website maintenance for a routine and ongoing exercise.
Be aware of some regular strategies in site maintenance before approaching a web development company who continue to see the greatest return on investment for all the time and money invested in creating it. 

Maintaining Your Website after Launch
Utility Testing: This help to reveal bugs or other types of friction in your website which might take a lot longer to discover if you just wait for someone to report them. Despite not finding any issues, you might have that spark of inspiration about how to further improve the user experience. Also, checking around different browsers and devices every quarter and across the year you’ll have done some pretty comprehensive functional testing.

Content Checking:  Testing the key functionality of your website is checking its content for typos, out dated info, any broken links, and improper images and missing SEO elements.  Services like Google Webmaster Tools can help highlight some of these potential website maintenance issues so it does need to be augmented by some human eyeballing. 

Security Testing: The best Web Development Company tries to keep up a regular check on some kind of hacking or code-injection attempt multiple times a month. In case you using a popular platform such as Magento or Drupal, the potential security flaws are being patched all the time and additional measures added to make the sites that run on them more impervious to attack with respect to all installations up to date.

The above said maintenance strategies are only examples. There are many analogies that could be drawn upon when thinking about why approach a website development services that includes website maintenance. An engaging and interactive web experience is guaranteed for your visitors at all times if you choose our team to work with you!

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